Monday, August 1, 2011

The Heartbreaking Reality of Hell

Contributed by:
Natalie Ward
care ministries director

Conversations, opinions and perspectives vary in our world on what Hell will be like - it’s existence and who will end up there. In the Christian circles these same questions are being asked and opinions and perspectives are being given, thereby creating interest and exploration amongst churches and Christian communities into the topic of Hell. Pathway has been hosting a series on Heaven or Hell over the last few weeks, that will continue over the next few weeks.

Pastor Ron this last weekend spoke on Hell - Pt. 1 of 2 sermons on the topic. It is a difficult, touchy, controversial, uncomfortable subject - yet, Biblical and real. Ron shared scriptural references as insight into what Hell may be like. Various images and pictures can be given when discussing Hell in the Bible, but one image that is tragic to wrap our minds around is the reality that Hell is the complete separation from God - isolation from His presence and all of who He is.

Is there anything more disturbing and heartbreaking than that kind of absence in our lives?

But as God so often does - He uses the Darkness (Sin, Hell, Separation, Death) to reveal the Light (Forgiveness, Heaven, God’s Presence, Life). In discussing Hell, the tendency can be to get caught up in the details and attributes of what Hell will be like and the mystery and questions that surround it - when the reality is that in the discussion of Hell should come an immense appreciation for Christ and what He accomplished on the cross. The depth of love that was displayed for us as he paid the price for our sins in order to reconcile us to God should compel us to be amazed at our God. When a love like that is displayed for us, showing us infinite worth, what would keep us from completely surrendering our lives to that kind of Love? When we consider how sin ultimately leads to death and separation from God - but in Jesus is offered life eternal in the presence of the one who loves us completely - why would we not give our lives to Him?

The reality of Hell is more than just a place after we is the life we are living now when we choose to live separate from the God who desires to give us life - real life. In addition, as Pastor Ron also discussed in his sermon, this reality of Hell should motivate us to be ambassadors of Christ - desiring to reconcile people around us to our loving God...thereby removing the reality of Hell from their lives after death, but also removing the glimpse of Hell (separation from God) that they are experiencing in their present life. I’ll end with a quote from Francis Chan in his new book, Erasing Hell, which I believe best summarizes Pastor Ron’s message this week...
"Hell is the backdrop that reveals the profound and unbelievable grace of the cross. It brings to light the enormity of our sin and therefore portrays the undeserved favor of God in full color.  Christ freely chose to bear the wrath that I deserve so that I can experience life in the presence of God.  How can I keep from singing, crying, and proclaiming His indescribable love?" p148

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