Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Greatest Resource

Contributed by:
Ron Klopfenstein
men's:life director

The focus of this past weekend was the greatest resource in the church today -- the people in the body.  No amount of technology, great graphics, wonderful buildings or amazing websites can equal the impact on our world that God's people working in community can have.

There are a few keys to making this happen. First, we must all embrace our uniqueness.  God has made each of us with unique capabilities and gifts.  In an age where it seems we value "sameness" we need to be comfortable in our own skin.  Our mantra should be "everybody matters"

Second, we are responsible to to discover our unique design and develop those areas of our life.  That is because these gifts and abilities are not just for ourselves, but are to be used for the benefit of others. The body of Christ needs you in action.

Finally, this allows you to focus your life in the areas where you can make the biggest difference.  Working in community with others that are also using their gifts is not only exciting and rewarding, there is a synergistic effect that takes place.  The group can accomplish more than the sum of the individual parts because God made us for community.  We are all part of the body, all different parts of the body, but all needed in order for the body to function properly.

Only when the people in the church do this will we realize the maximum impact on the world around us.

So, are you connected?  Have you discovered your unique design? Are you developing your gifts?  The time to do this is now!!!!

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