Saturday, May 22, 2010

How NOT to be an Annoying Leader

Contributed by:
Eric Dunaway
small groups pastor

I was sitting in my kitchen this morning, sipping some coffee, and I was thinking about what I wanted to do with my Saturday morning. So, naturally, I decided to write a quick post.

I don't know if you've noticed the links that are in the side bar, but I like to follow other leaders in groups ministry to get insight and ideas. Occasionally, I come across a blog post from one of these leaders that I think is so good that I want our leaders to read it. And that's what this post is about.

We often spend a lot of time focusing on skills and behaviors that make a good leader in a small group. Alan Danielson, however, has posted a great (and very short) blog about the bad habits of a leader... obviously things to be avoided.

Take a few minutes to read this post. As you do, assess yourself in these areas. You may even want to take some of these to a trusted member of your group for honest feedback. Trust me... this takes guts. You may or may not like what you hear.

But here's a truth on how to be a good leader: Develop the ability to acknowledge that you aren't perfect... no one is. Like anyone else, you have strengths and weaknesses. And our weaknesses tend to surface in just about every area of our lives. And that's true for us as group leaders, as well. The good news, however, is that our areas weakness are where we find the greatest opportunities for growth. That's why it's so important for us to be honest with ourselves... we're doing no one, including ourselves, any favors when we gloss over our weaknesses.

So... as you read this post, should you discover a weakness in your group leadership style, view these as an opportunity to grow. Lean on the relationships you've developed within your group to help you grow. And come back to this list from time to time for a reminder.

You'll thank yourself for the honest assessment and willingness to grow... your group will thank you, too.

Read the Post Here:

What did you think? Any thoughts you'd like to share? Post a comment so we can all benefit! I'm looking forward to the conversation.

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