Fall Kick-Off!

We're excited to announce the upcoming 
Adult Ministries 
Fall Kick-Off!

Mark your calendars now for Monday, August 29th, and plan to join us for an evening of fun, food, insight and encouragement with Mark Howell.

This will be Mark's second time with us, and we're excited about the depth of experience and passion he brings in the areas of group life, connection strategies and church leadership. If you want to know more about Mark, be sure to visit his blog.

Check back here for more information on this exciting event! Details will be added as they are developed.


3 John 13 - "I have much more to say to you, but I don't want to write it with pen and ink. For I hope to see you soon, and then we will talk face to face."

The Fall Kick-Off is an environment where we gather semi-annually for the purpose of face to face encouragement and enrichment. These are times where we touch on specific elements of our vision, model and strategy. These are times where we promote sharpening one another through huddles. It's an important time of connection between the leadership of PCC and our group leaders.

This is an important part of our approach to developing the group leaders at PCC. The format will vary, but will always include the following elements:
  • A presentation of our vision and/or group model.
  • A presenter who's either on staff at PCC, or in group leadership somewhere outside PCC.
  • A time to huddle with other group facilitators and - in some cases - coaches.
  • Laughter and good time.
  • Our hope is that facilitators walk away from each Keynote feeling that they've been refreshed as leaders, and are given something practical and tangible that they can take with them to enrich them as they lead their group.
If you have any suggestions for topics or the format for the next Keynote, please feel free to post it as a comment below.

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