Monday, April 11, 2011

Trusting the King

Contributed by:
Staci Overbeck
ministry assistant

Like many this past week, my family and I were blessed to enjoy a trip to Florida for Spring Break. I use the word “blessed” because it was evident that our getaway was a gift.

You see, we started Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University the weekend that we made our reservations for Orlando. We didn’t know how we were going to pay for the trip. We just knew that we needed a break, and I personally needed a spiritual retreat. Once we began FPU, though, we were led to get serious about eliminating and not incurring debt.

We did our best to save, but we knew that we wouldn’t be able to fully fund this vacation. It was then, through a series of unexpected blessings, that God “showed up and showed off” by providing the means to pay for the entire trip - debt free. We rested in God’s provision.

Fast-forward to our trip home. No sooner had we gotten onto I-75 than we had car issues. I spent four hours at Steak-n-Shake while our car was towed and my husband secured a hotel. At one point, we thought we might be stranded until Tuesday. In an instant I lost sight of God’s provision and began to stress about the financial impact of our trip. I had once again placed my security in cash instead of the King.

This weekend as Pastor Ron shared from James 5:1-6 on the issue of money, I was reminded of how quickly we place our trust in gifts rather than the Giver. So often we compare ourselves with others, compete for what we believe to the be the best, compromise to get what we want, and are held captive to stuff rather than be content and celebrate that God will provide all that we need.

While my journey this week makes a great sermon illustration, I want my security to always be found in Christ. That is what He asks of me, and it is a small price to pay for the blessings that He gives to me everyday – big and small.
Command those who are rich in this present world not be arrogant nor put their hope in wealth which is uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything we need for our enjoyment.” 1 Timothy 6:17
Something to think about:
  1. If I am honest with myself, where do I most often put my trust? Is it in my cash or my King?
  2. Do I allow my wealth (or lack thereof) to determine how I treat others? Does it affect the way I view myself?
  3. What is one step I can take this week to move closer to trusting in God’s provision in my life on a daily basis?

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