Monday, March 26, 2012

Not Alone

contributed by:
Staci Overbeck
Ministry Assistant to Adult:Life
"As we grow grand, Amy, the world around us often diminishes in size.  I have known people who have almost disappeared before my very eyes." - Aunt March (Little Women - The Musical)

Do you ever wonder if God feels the same way about us?  I mean, He is perfect.  He is sinless.  How could He possibly relate to those of us who are imperfect and sinful?  The answer is - Jesus.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ultimate Encounter

contributed by:
Becky Johnson
Women's:Life Director

Pain… one thing never searched for but found anyway. It can be found in choices made by us or others…at times, it simply finds us. Yet encounters with Jesus heal our pain.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Toes Hurt

contributed by:
Becky Johnson
Women's:Life Director

If you were fortunate enough to hear the message at church this past Sunday, then your toes may be hurting just as mine are! Spiritual Formation Pastor, Tyler Ward, started by sharing his prayer with us which was that our “toes would feel a little stepped on” as his had been in his message preparation. My toes were stepped on and thank goodness they were!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

How Awesome is your God?

contributed by:
Ron Klopfenstein
Men's:Life Director

We live in an age where in many ways God has been diminished.  We hear Him referred to as “The man upstairs” or “The big guy” or we use phases like OMG without recognizing how that diminishes and degrades Him.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Do It God's Way

contributed by:
Eric Dunaway
Communications & Missions Pastor

Children are a blessing. But let's be honest, they have their moments. Like, for instance, when my eight-year-old is supposed to be going to sleep, but is shining a flashlight (by the way, how'd she even get a flashlight?!) in her big sister's eyes. Or when my five-year-old son keeps barging into his sisters' room after repeated (and very animated, I might add) requests not to. Please tell me we're not the only family to experience this! 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

GOD > everything else

contributed by:
Tyler Ward
Spiritual Formation Pastor
This past weekend, Pastor Ron talked about one of my favorite stories in the Bible. It's a story about one of my favorite people in the Bible - a guy named Elijah. I like him because his life inspires me…it reveals to me how profoundly God can use us when we walk closely with him and are fully confident in him. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Defining Decisions

contributed by:
Becky Johnson
Women's:Life Director

I am 45ish years old...ok, add a couple of years to that and you might be a little closer to my actual age. Even at my “advanced" age however, I can still remember my high school years and how difficult some decisions were. I had to decide if I would give in to peer pressure regarding issues of integrity, alcohol and purity. Would I do what others accepted as right or go against the popular crowd…Would I give in to the pressure around me or hold to my convictions? The decisions I made then have affected how my life is lived today.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Foolish Wise Man

contributed by:
Ron Klopfenstein
Men's:Life Director

Last weekend Tyler Ward took us through the story of Solomon and an amazing story it is.  Here is a man who is granted his request of God for great wisdom yet whose life is marked by times of great foolishness.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Fresh Start

contributed by:
Staci Overbeck
Ministry Assistant to Adult Life

What is it about New Year's Day that makes it different from any other day of the year? Nothing. Yet, every year on December 31st millions of people make a list of resolutions that they hope to fulfill starting on January 1st. I am typically one of them. There is something about a clean slate that ignites the dream of what could be. Unfortunately, as soon as we fail in our resolve, things tend to return to status quo until next December 31st when the process begins again.